Member Spotlight

 Community Advisory Coalition Meeting (CAC)


December 7th was our last CAC meeting of the year and we closed out the year with a fantastic panel discussion, Barriers to sex positivity for young people: Dealing with stress, social media, and stigma

If you missed the meeting, check out a snapshot of what you missed in this short video:

This month CAC Meeting features a special youth-led conversation on healthy relationships, updates from WeCanStopSTDsLA, plus pizza, drinks, and even a hip hop dance class with REACH LA! You won’t want to miss this CAC meeting.See you February 29th! 


 We’re elated to announce our return to the District 2 office for Supervisor Holly Mitchell in Exposition Park (next to the Natural History Museum) for the February CAC meeting. Please see the address below. Parking and drop-off information will be provided to those who RSVP!


Free transportation will be provided to youth attendees, but registration is a must! you could register by clicking here. 

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  • Jim Rhyne
    published this page in News+Events 2021-10-08 11:51:04 -0700
  • Jim Rhyne
    published this page in News+Events 2021-08-26 11:47:05 -0700
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