Now you can search youth-friendly clinics all over LA County in the Pocket Guide LA. Plus get information on youth rights and other helpful tips.
Currently, there are limited printed versions of the Pocket Guide to Sexual Health Services and Clinics in South LA available in English and Spanish. You can order (maximum 100 English/25 Spanish per order) using the form below.Please read these 4 helpful tips before you distribute Pocket Guides to the youth you work with:
- Familiarize yourself with the Guide. The Guide is first and foremost a means of empowering youth and young adults to take charge of their sexual health and you will be most effective at communicating this if you know what’s in it.
- Talk about youth rights. Young people have the right to access most sexual and reproductive health services without parental or guardian consent and they have the right to confidential services.
- Talk about the benefits of services. Young people ages 15-24 have the highest STD rates in South LA; STDs are preventable, and many are curable. Sexually active people can best protect themselves when under the care of a provider.
- Talk about how to use the Guide itself. Try pointing out the clinic nearest to your location, noting the services they offer and what to expect there.