Become A Supporter

If you're not quite ready to become a member, you can still support the movement. 

What does it mean to be a supporter?

Supporters are individuals and organizations who wish to be familiar with the work of the WeCanStopSTDsLA and support the CAC's efforts as they are able. Supporters are encouraged to share CAC information, programming and opportunities with their networks and will receive: 

  • Coalition meeting reminders
  • Information emails such as notices of upcoming events
  • Meetings and training opportunities

Help spread the word among young people in South LA by sharing the Pocket Guide or sending them to the online Pocket Guide to find a clinic anywhere in LA County. 

Please fill out the information below. You have the right to complete privacy and all information will be held strictly confidentially.

26 signatures

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FREE Pocket Guide to Sex Health Services Become a Volunteer Attend an Event