November CAC Meeting

Greetings! We look forward to seeing you at the CAC meeting next Friday:

November 1, 2019 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Exposition Park Constituent Service & Training Center
900 W. Exposition Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90037

This will be a working meeting during which we will review our logic model, theory of change, and 2020 action plan working draft in order to guide our actions in 2020 and beyond.


Parking at the CAC Meeting: Arrive early and park in the area/structure off Exposition Park Drive near the California Science Center. Once parked, follow signs for the Natural History Museum to get to the meeting space. Be sure to let the attendant know that you are visiting the Office of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas to avoid paying for parking. The office is located on the South Lawn of the Natural History Museum.

Don’t forget! If you have any social media post related to young people, South LA and/or sexual and reproductive health and justice please tag and hashtag @WeCanStopSTDsLA! We’ll give your post a boost to reach a broader audience!

Visit to see upcoming events, and send your event notifications to [email protected] so that we can post them to our website!

Connect to Protect Los Angeles (C2PLA) will host multiple subcommittee meetings during the month of November. Click here to view the calendar on the C2PLA website.

Remember to keep checking for Systems Change Information, Local Events, News, and Upcoming Meetings.

We look forward to seeing you next week!


November 01, 2019 at 9:00am - 12pm
Vivian Agudo

Will you come?

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  • Vivian Agudo
    rsvped 2019-10-30 10:32:29 -0700
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