If You Find Out You or Your Partner Is Pregnant, You Have Options!

If you just found out you are pregnant, you might be very overwhelmed and not sure what to do. But no matter what, you have rights! You have the right to choose abortion, adoption, or parenting.

Becoming a parent, especially as a teen, can be very difficult. Even with help from the people around you, it may be hard to balance your parenting responsibilities along with school, planning for your future, money, and even a social life. However, you have rightsto help support you such as your right to stay in school, have a safe and private space to pump and store breast milk at school, take maternity leave from work, and place your baby up for adoption.

If you choose to parent, remember you’re not alone! There are great programs and resources available to both teen moms and teen dads that can help. California offers a wide range of state programs and are offered regardless of someone’s immigration status. The programs cover issues like medical coverage, child support, food resources and educational support for children from birth to age five. Also, the CA Department of Public Health provides support through the Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) which focuses on helping expectant and parenting teens overcome many of the challenges they may face.

You also have the right to get an abortion. Abortions are legal in California and can be accessed confidentially and without anyone else’s permission.

If you choose adoption, be sure to find an adoption agency that listens to you and treats you with dignity and respect! There are two types of adoption, open and closed. An open adoption allows the birth parents to visit and have a relationship with the child. Closed adoption means that the birth parent does not visit the child and is kept confidential.

In California there is also the safely surrender baby law that allows anyone to who is unable to care for their baby to surrender it within three days of giving birth. It is a confidential option and it is not required to provide any information.

If you or someone you know are pregnant but not sure what to do, visit a clinic near youto talk about the options available and what might be best for you!

Remember, there are many forms of birth control that help prevent against pregnancy but only abstinence is 100% effective.

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This blog was reposted from TeenSource.org, a project of Essential Access Health. TeenSource.org is an online hub for comprehensive and teen-friendly information on birth control, STDs, relationships and teen’s rights to accessing sensitive services. The site features youth-developed blogs and videos, a clinic finder, a Condom Access Project and links to TeenSource social media where youth can stay updated on relevant sexual and reproductive health information and news.

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