lgbt and hpv- what about me?
What’s going on?
The HPV vaccination is a big deal these days. This vaccine works to prevent the most common forms of the human papilloma virus which can cause cervical cancer, throat cancer, anal cancer, and genital warts. The HPV vaccine is super effective! Not only does it prevent cervical pre-cancer and genital warts close to 100% of the time, it reduces the risk of HPV-related cancers in the mouth, penis, and anus. This is really important because HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact. So while using condoms helps bring down the risk of getting the virus, they don’t completely protect you.
Read moreseven things you may not know about the birth control implant
Happy 12th anniversary to Nexplanon! What is Nexplanon? It’s a birth control implant that is inserted into the upper arm, lasts for up to three years, and is over 99% effective. Nexplanon used to be called Implanon and was approved by the FDA on July 18, 2006. It’s the first, and so far the only, birth control implant. While this method has been used in the US since 2006, there’s still a lot of features about the implant that you might not know.
Read moresyphilis - what do you know?
What’s going on?
When you think of STD’s, syphilis is probably not be the first one on your mind. We usually hear more about Chlamydia and Gonorrhea because they are more common. Syphilis was the lowest in the United States in the year 2000 but has been on the rise ever since.
Read moreyour voice matters! register to vote!
School is out and summer is here! Whether you are relaxing in the sun, earning some extra cash, getting a head start for next school year, or packing up to head to college, you can still be an activist and advocate for issues that you support.
There is one super easy way to be a summer activist: REGISTER TO VOTE!
Read morehiv testing 101
June 27th is National HIV Testing Day, a day to remind people to learn about their risk get tested for HIV so they can know their status.
Read morelgbt history lesson
June is Pride month – a great time to learn about the history of LGBTQ people throughout time!
Read moreit’s men’s health week!
Did you know that boys actually visit the doctor less than girls overall? So this Men’s Health Week, check out some ways that dudes, guys, fellas, brothers, and anyone else can take charge of their health.
Read moretake action to support the california healthy youth act!
Sexual and reproductive health is important-- and in order to own your health, it’s important to have all the right info. Sex ed should meet the needs of all teens, no matter where they live or who they love.
Read moreown your health this graduation and beyond!
School is wrapping up which can bring on all the feels -- excited, scared, happy, sad, tired, etc. -- but that does not mean you can forget about your health! No matter if you are graduating or just finishing another year, you should be proud that you have reached this milestone! And, with summer coming, this is a great time to take charge of your health.
Read moretalking is power!
When it comes to your health, there is a lot to think about. From protecting yourself against pregnancy and STDs, to navigating relationships, and understanding your own identity, it can be hard to know what and who to trust. That is where parents and other trusted adults come in! They were once your age and may be more helpful than you would think.
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