Prevention and Treatment Services Working Group
This working group is dedicated to the advocacy and sustainability of STD services especially with populations at elevated risk – juvenile hall, foster care, probation, etc. Their work frames and informs ways for youth and young adults to access and utilize a variety of services that support prevention and on-going well being.
The CAC and WeCanStopSTDsLA will mobilize and strengthen the community’s capacity to reduce STDs in South LA through advocacy and policy actions. This coalition, through its Policy and Advocacy Working Group, will lead legislative and advocacy efforts to encourage service coordination, advocacy and strategic actions on behalf of the community to ensure adequate support for youth and young adults, especially the most vulnerable and those at elevated risk for STDs. In its stands for justice, compassion, prevention, treatment and open communication, WeCanStopSTDsLA resolves that every Youth and Young Adult deserves and has the right to youth-friendly and high-quality STD services and treatment.
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Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 10:00 am - Noon. For details and to RSVP to attend the next meeting, click here.