Passionate about creating HIV awareness? The 2018 LA National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) Youth Ambassador Program Application is now open!

Every year on April 10th, we celebrate National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD). NYHAAD is a national day that serves as an opportunity to create awareness about how HIV impacts young people and their community. On this day we strive to support young people in bringing awareness about HIV to their communities. Thus, the LA NYAAD Youth Ambassador Program was created to bring young leaders and activists together to promote prevention, treatment, care, and youth empowerment.

Connect to Protect Los Angeles (C2P) is looking for two young people, ages 14-18 and 19-24 who are interested in becoming the NYHAAD Youth Ambassador for Los Angeles. If you or someone you know is passionate about creating HIV awareness, please click here to complete the application.

 Deadline to apply is Friday November 24th at 5pm PST.

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