I want to get tested for STDs, but I'm worried about privacy. What if my parents find out? How do I handle this?

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  • Aneicko Milligan
    commented 2019-11-16 11:21:02 -0800
    I recommend signing up for a Family Pact. It is a way to keep your visits private from your parents and it is illegal (in California) for this information to be given to them. You can also go to a medical clinic while in school because it is a doctor’s appointment and they have to let you go. If it is inconvenient to go during the week, you can go to pocketguideLA.org to see a list of clinics that are open on the weekends if you refine the search and choose the weekend hours filter.
  • Eric Manooki
    commented 2019-11-16 11:18:44 -0800
    Getting tested for STIs is extremely important and there are many ways this can be done discreetly. Here in California, as long as you are 12 years of age or older, you are eligible for a slew of sexual and reproductive services, including STI testing, without letting your parents know. Through the Family PACT program, you can receive these services for free and it is guaranteed that your parents will never find out about your visit.
  • Alondra Ruiz
    commented 2019-11-16 11:18:21 -0800
    If your parents find out stay calm and explain to them why you wanted to get tested for STD. Also, bring up that getting tested for STD is not bad and it is a good thing. A way to handle this is to talk to your parents about this before getting tested but if you do not feel comfortable talking to them and they find out then just stay calm and have them talk to someone in the medical field/explain why it is a good thing.
  • Alexandra Cervantes
    commented 2019-11-16 11:18:11 -0800
    The common concern is privacy, however there are resources that provide you with security to prevent parent/guardians from finding out about being tested for STDs. One of the most resourceful options would be the Family Pact because it allows individuals to seek help and have the visit be confidential.
  • Nat Flores
    commented 2019-11-16 11:17:49 -0800
    You can ask for a Family Pact which is a separate account in your parents insurance and they can’t see any doctor visits that you do. You can also go during school hours and just say that you have a doctors visit and they are suppose to let you go and they won’t tell your parents.
  • brooklyn jackson
    commented 2019-11-16 11:17:32 -0800
    A good resource for not having your parents find out would be going to a clinic. One specific one you can go to that won’t notify your insurance company would be Planned Parenthood, which provides many different tests for different reasons. A good way for the insurance bill not notifying your parents where you are is Family Pact.
  • K W
    commented 2019-11-16 11:17:17 -0800
    If you would like to get tested without your parents finding out, you can search for a clinic (on pocketguideLA.org). Once you attend the clinic, you can ask about signing up for “Family Pact”, which will allow you to be tested and your parents will not be informed.
  • Francisco Hernandez
    commented 2019-11-16 11:16:43 -0800
    If you want to keep your privacy while getting tested, you can easily tell your doctor to not disclose your information to your family and/or join the Family Pact program in which your visit, where you visited, and why, is off the radar.
  • F C
    commented 2019-11-16 11:16:19 -0800
    When getting tested for STD’s you can create a free and on the spot insurance called Family-Pack. Your information will not be shared with your family.
  • D T
    commented 2019-11-16 11:16:14 -0800
    if you’re above the age of 12 you can get tested at a clinic near you. You can ask for Family Pact so that your parents won’t be able to see on their insurance that you were tested, or that you were even at the clinic. It’s completely free to sign up and you won’t have to pay for your visit.
  • F C
    followed this page 2019-11-16 11:13:37 -0800
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