From First 5 LA: Legislature Makes Important Strides for Young Children and Sends State Budget to Governor for Signature

The 126 billion state budget agreement between Governor Jerry Brown and the State Legislature is a positive step forward in responding to the needs of families with young children.

The FY 2017-18 spending plan carries out a promise outlined in the May Revision to restore funding for early care and education opportunities, and allocates new funding to support critical policy changes which help support access to early care and education services for more families.

In addition to reaffirming the promise made last year for multi-year funding increases to expand child care opportunities and provider reimbursement rates, the Legislature proposed further investments in early care and education, expanding eligibility for state subsidized programs to account for increases to the minimum wage and ensuring that foster families have access to child care support.

“A budget is a statement of priorities. We applaud the work of Speaker Rendon, Senate Pro Tem de Leon, and the Women’s’ Caucus in championing the needs of families with young children,” said Kim Belshé, Executive Director of First 5 LA. “The budget starts California on a path to opportunity and prosperity. At the same time, we also must recognize there is significant work ahead to ensure that all of California’s children have a meaningful opportunity to prepare for and succeed in school and life.”

To read our full statement regarding the Governor’s budget, click here.

This blog was reposted from First 5 LA.

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