Faith Leaders Address Human Sex Trafficking

RSVP here.

Join us at the USC Cecil Murray Center for Civic Engagement for a special alumni training. This workshop is for FLI, FLP, PTM, and community leaders to learn and get engaged in creating SAFE ZONES and RESOURCES for victims of domestic human sex trafficking and sexual assault.

Rev. Deborah Manns of The Virtuous Woman, Inc., Rev. Dr. Najuma Smith-Pollard of “IT’S NOT,” and Sumaya Abubaker, Program Manager at CRCC, are calling all faiths to initiate Interfaith conversation that leads to the launch & push of a campaign that will bring protection & safety for victims – allowing them to identify & receive emergency services, on request, urging their move into a place of rescue, recovery, and stability.

Continental breakfast will be served, and lunch will be on your own.

RSVP here.

January 28, 2017 at 9:00am - 2pm
USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Google map and directions

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