HIV/STI and PrEP Summit in South Los Angeles

By the end of this training participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the current epidemiology of HIV/STI infections rates in Los Angeles County & District 2
  2. To understand the concept of PrEP for HIV prevention, its efficacy, risk, and benefits
  3. Identify candidates who would benefit from PrEP
  4. Discuss tools and strategies for tailoring health communications that are appropriate
  5. Identify factors that impact measured of health disparities in District 2 and the Greater Los Angeles.

Download the flyer here.

Register here.

August 26, 2017 at 10:00am - 2pm
W.M. Keck Auditorium, Charles R. Drew University
1730 E 118th St
Los Angeles, CA 90059
United States
Google map and directions
Gregory D. Victorianne, CDC ·

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